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"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me."

- Matthew 25:35 

Volunteers Packing Food

At NLC, we believe that people shouldn't ever have to go without. That's why each Wednesday, our Outreach Team is here, ready to help.


As many as one in five children in Australia start the school day without eating breakfast at least once a week. A survey of 1000 parents commissioned by Foodbank revealed that 22 percent of Australian children under the age of 15 live in a household that has run out of food.


The New Life Care Van and team have responded to this need by partnering with schools to provide breakfast for students. Having breakfast has been shown to make a positive impact on physical, mental health and social skills. Our team of trained volunteers are greatly encouraged by the difference they are making in students' lives through the ministry of our NLC Van.  

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